The Customer

CTM has recently transformed from a tin exploration and development to a base metal miner and producer, with the company currently producing over 300mt a day of zinc, lead and copper concentrates with silver and gold co-product.
The Company’s operations are located near Mount Garnet, a small mining town located on the southern end of the Atherton Tablelands, 140km south west of Cairns, in north Queensland.
The Install
Our North Queensland based Service Technician Michael recently visited their Surveyor Mine 150km South of Mount Garnet for a Service and Calibration of their Caterpillar 966H Wheel Loader fitted with a LOADRITE L2180 Loader scale and LP950 printer.
Both services ran smoothly with Michael picking up that the settings were incorrect on the indicator.
He reminded the operator how important lubrication is for accurate weighing advised that the operator needs to keep greasing up throughout operating.
This machine is not currently Legal For Trade however the option to upgrade is there in the future.

Does your LOADRITE need some TLC?
Complete a Service/Calibration Request online and our Service Technicians will get back to you!